
Facebook Applications

In removing some of my ridiculous amount of Facebook applications, it occurs to me that there are several discrete categories to which these apps can be allocated.
(a) Pointless but to spam other people with messages: Zombie/Werewolf/Vampire, Boozemail, Foodfight
(b) competitive mini-game that could be considered enjoyable: Fight-Club, Pirate, the Trivias: All the TV show ones, all the sports ones...
(c) Apps that actually give insight into the person: Compare People, Fantasy Football
(d) Improves your ability to communicate with friends: Fun Wall, Graffiti

I've decided to delete anything that isn't category (c) or (d), or exceptionally entertaining. This final clause includes: All the trivias (with my contrived rank), the HOT-OR-NOT goat, all the games: Scrabulous (probably the best app I have), Tetris, Pacman.

I've spent about 30minutes deleting ones I don't use, or don't want to use. And my profile is still fucking bloated.



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