
Genetically Modified Opinions

Many acronyms strike fear into the hearts of the uneducated, but few more than GM and DNA. But what is this DNA? Will it spread through the GMOs and contaminate our existence? Will it unlock secrets that disprove the existence of our God of convenience?

Most people believe nothing of the sort. In fact, most people who are against the consumption of genetically modified foods hold this belief because they believe not enough testing has been done. Fifteen years ago, when the term 'Frankenfood' was coined and struck fear through the hearts of the masses once again, they would have been right. But the massive economic benefits that genetic engineering can provide, have caused many companies and research labs to go research-crazy (which is rarely a bad thing), and now, doctors and research fellows across the globe carefully prepare to present their findings to the plethora of consumer and agricultural boards.

Technofear aside for one second, why are we even considering GM foods to begin with? What makes them any better than our current food, or selectively bred animals and plants?
Well, because the technology essentially alters the way that food is constructed, humans can construct the plant or animal in any way they please...
  • GM plants can be made pest-resistant, reducing or eliminating the need to use harmful pesticides. This has been proven, and because of this Amish communities in the US have adopted GM seeds to eliminate their need to buy harsh chemicals.
  • In areas of the world where diseases or mineral deficiencies are especially prominent, GM crops can be made to contain immuno-accelerators or excess of a certain mineral, to help with that area's health crises.
  • Meat can be made healthier, more succulent and more massive (so eg. less cows will have to die for the same quantity of meat), similarly fruit can be made larger, tastier and cheaper. In light of the western world's obesity epidemics, this is perhaps the most beneficial aspect of genetically modified foods.
There are only two understandable reasons to not embrace these, and many more, benefits some of which, we desperately require:
The first is that many years ago, tests were conducted that showed experiments of a GM strain of potato caused growth problems in rats. Since then, this test has been shown to be false, and many similar tests have done to ensure the safety of every recombinant-DNA food that is even to be considered being put on the market. It is very good that society halted the release of GM foods until enough testing had been done, and the proper organisational and governmental boards have been put into place. But now, we are ready for GM foods to be released into the public market.
The second is that people have a problem with humans 'doing God's work', now the existence of God and the complex relationship religion has with science is left for another article, but consider the example above, the Amish, one of the most conservative and fundamental Christian groups of the world have embraced GM food. Then what is the problem with those myopic white-coats 'playing God'? Is it that they will have power, which should be reserved for judges, policemen and politicians? Or do we just think that, sooner or later, a scientist will create a homicidal strain of tomato that will serve as his minions in his quest to become ruler of the universe?



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