
Adobe Reader has updated

I didn't approve this.

Sigh. I suppose the time has come to unregister its crapware from startup again.
...and it appears now it wants to restart... silly Adobe, restarts are for kernel upgrades and well-behaved software. You narrowly avoid permanent removal by being the only reasonably good solution to viewing pdfs.

I miss Linux. You felt in control of your own computer in Linux; Windows is more like... submitting to be buffeted around by the various third-party upgrades that are required to make your operating system not suck cocks.



Auto-detect mobile device and set master page accordingly

 <script runat="server">  
   protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)  
     if (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice)  
       MasterPageFile = "~/Views/Shared/Site.tablet.Master";  

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Times in the day

#! C:\Perl\Perl.exe -w

my @myList;
for (my $t = 1; $t <= 12; $t++)
# body...

push (@myList, ($t . ":00am"));
push (@myList, ($t . ":15am"));
push (@myList, ($t . ":30am"));
push (@myList, ($t . ":45am"));
push (@myList, ($t . ":00pm"));
push (@myList, ($t . ":15pm"));
push (@myList, ($t . ":30pm"));
push (@myList, ($t . ":45pm"));

open F, ">myfile.txt" or die $!;

print F "[";
foreach my $t (@myList)
print F "\"$t\", ";
print F "]\n";

close F;

["1:00am", "1:15am", "1:30am", "1:45am", "1:00pm", "1:15pm", "1:30pm", "1:45pm", "2:00am", "2:15am", "2:30am", "2:45am", "2:00pm", "2:15pm", "2:30pm", "2:45pm", "3:00am", "3:15am", "3:30am", "3:45am", "3:00pm", "3:15pm", "3:30pm", "3:45pm", "4:00am", "4:15am", "4:30am", "4:45am", "4:00pm", "4:15pm", "4:30pm", "4:45pm", "5:00am", "5:15am", "5:30am", "5:45am", "5:00pm", "5:15pm", "5:30pm", "5:45pm", "6:00am", "6:15am", "6:30am", "6:45am", "6:00pm", "6:15pm", "6:30pm", "6:45pm", "7:00am", "7:15am", "7:30am", "7:45am", "7:00pm", "7:15pm", "7:30pm", "7:45pm", "8:00am", "8:15am", "8:30am", "8:45am", "8:00pm", "8:15pm", "8:30pm", "8:45pm", "9:00am", "9:15am", "9:30am", "9:45am", "9:00pm", "9:15pm", "9:30pm", "9:45pm", "10:00am", "10:15am", "10:30am", "10:45am", "10:00pm", "10:15pm", "10:30pm", "10:45pm", "11:00am", "11:15am", "11:30am", "11:45am", "11:00pm", "11:15pm", "11:30pm", "11:45pm", "12:00am", "12:15am", "12:30am", "12:45am", "12:00pm", "12:15pm", "12:30pm", "12:45pm" ]

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